Friday, August 28, 2009

Calories in Calories Out

It seems like anywhere (out to eat) I go to get a good meal, doesn't actually constitue a good meal. Okay, I just had to blow off some steam...

I was talking to one of my friends today about losing weight and if the good ole calories in and calories out is the bottom line in weightloss. What do you think? I've got some hypotheses swimming around in my head, but I'd like to know what you think.

I hope this summer has been good to you, or you've been good to this summer. I hope you've enjoyed yourself in most situtations you've been in. Life is about enjoying who you are and those around you. I hope that even while you want to lose weight you don't let that hinder you from enjoying the scenery. Especially with you in it. Run around with your kids, be social, play some baseball. I remember so many times feeling awkward in my clothes and I think if I could go back I would focus on loving myself more (cause I've always mostly loved myself, I just focused too much on what was outside) and not so much on what I looked like. Truth is, you will never be able to keep the weight off if you don't genuinely love yourself right now. So, before you get wacko over calories and exercise start every morning with an "I love myself" meditation, prayer, focus, song or whatever. I believe love is the best metabolic action there is.