Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's been a while

Okay, well life has been very crazy and I've had no time for blogging. I have had time for continuing my fitness quest. Although I don't have a picture you will be very proud to know I have kept up my efforts. If there is anything I can say it is: JUST KEEP SWIMMING! (you know the Dorrie line from Finding Nemo...well my sisters get it.)

I think the weight is finally coming off, although I've got plenty of "softness" all over, and even if it's not a ton, it's still something. What week is this?... like 200 thousand?! It feels like it, but still I haven't given up, or given in to being hopeless.

Here's the thing I'm doing: making this a lifestyle. No fast gimmicks, or watching calories, or killing myself to get to the gym. I eat healthy about 85-90% of my day and I choose a little sweet at the end of my dinner meal...cuz I absolutely need it (thanks to Amy I know enjoy a few chocolate chips). I try to get exercise at least 20 mins 3 days a week...yes walks count but only if both kids are in the stroller folks! I look forward to the weekends, to me they symbolize togetherness; not only with my family but with Tommy and sometimes some friends. So I enjoy myself the best way I know how: have my cake and eat it too.

So there ya go, not fast, but very effective since I'm still sticking to it. And hey in twelve weeks I've lost 8 pounds!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Stopping the Domino Effect

Well, I am alive and truckin' along. Life has been so crazy. Paul and Lyddie think they need to be waking up multiple time during the night; ah, I needed a night job anyway. So formal exercise has taken a back seat. Robbie taught be a great lesson: sleep first, exercise second. It's not an excuse I truly want to be healthy,not just thin.
With that being said, I continue to battle my weight. I don't want this to be an on-going domino effect in my life so I have been working on my eating habits.You would be really proud of me I really am laying off the sweets. Robbie and I have a deal sweets on the weekends or a special occasion that pops up. It's been a chore, but well worth it at the end of the night, especially when I'm craving all sorts of bad things.

Okay, well there goes Paul, I better go. I went to the Doc today and the scale said no big difference. So, sad, but that's life. Just keep working on it, that's all I can do.