Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Let's Get Physical

What do you think about me teaching Aerobics? I'd just volunteer one day a week, so nothing too spac-tac. I think it would be a blast, but I'm super nervous because I took a teaching class at BYU-i and all but killed it. Okay, maybe I killed it. Then again, I've always wanted to do it. So, what, try it again, make a fool out of myself..totally humiliate myself in front of people who think I'm a some what competent person; OR be comfortable being comfortable. Hmm, I'll have to get back to that. But, I think I'm gonna anyway....

Today I did SpINniNg. The first time in a year. IT WAS GREAT. I totally owe Paige for swapping the kids. It's such a good workout. I wish I could go every week, but I do have kids and I DO love waking up and working out BEFORE they wake up. It just helps me start the day feeling on top of it instead of trying to catch up.

Oh hey, I forgot to mention that I got a tinsey membership at a medical school (in their fitness facility) here about a mile down the road. So it's super close, super cheap, and super secluded. It is small, but I really don't like big gyms or the hype that comes with it. So that's where I got the aerobics idea.

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