Friday, October 2, 2009

I am Done

Well, I'm done on this blog. I've stayed this consistent weight for a good long while and I'm okay with that. I hope you have made your own journey, or at least found some hope that mothers can look like women after they have babies. The biggest blessing is finding God in everything you do. I love having a strong healthy body, and maybe I don't look like a model, but I love feeling's like an offering of gratitude to my maker for giving my such an opportunity to have a healthy and full life.
You know, five or ten or twenty pounds is not a big deal if you can feel completely confident about yourself and honor what women were made to do: give love. I know that as I have struggled to find a weight proportionate to my frame, I've grown closer to God. I hope you did too. It's not about what you lose, it's what you can give. For me losing the weight opened up my world and I'm a happier person because of it. Thanks for taking the journey with me. May God bless you to find all blessings of happiness and don't be afraid to find health!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Calories in Calories Out

It seems like anywhere (out to eat) I go to get a good meal, doesn't actually constitue a good meal. Okay, I just had to blow off some steam...

I was talking to one of my friends today about losing weight and if the good ole calories in and calories out is the bottom line in weightloss. What do you think? I've got some hypotheses swimming around in my head, but I'd like to know what you think.

I hope this summer has been good to you, or you've been good to this summer. I hope you've enjoyed yourself in most situtations you've been in. Life is about enjoying who you are and those around you. I hope that even while you want to lose weight you don't let that hinder you from enjoying the scenery. Especially with you in it. Run around with your kids, be social, play some baseball. I remember so many times feeling awkward in my clothes and I think if I could go back I would focus on loving myself more (cause I've always mostly loved myself, I just focused too much on what was outside) and not so much on what I looked like. Truth is, you will never be able to keep the weight off if you don't genuinely love yourself right now. So, before you get wacko over calories and exercise start every morning with an "I love myself" meditation, prayer, focus, song or whatever. I believe love is the best metabolic action there is.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Still Plugging

Even though I've been gone, I still think about what I can do better and pass on. How's everyone's Exercise Menu? Mine has dropped back to pre race, but I'm still consistent to what I plan. I just don't think people should run like that all the time. Anyway, it's nice to run a little and then do what I absolutely love....AEROBICS. I also love Natalie because she's there every Tuesday and Friday too.
Okay, enough blah, blah, blah. So, I've been thinking that it's time to add in food. I think that it's not just about the calories in and calories out, but the kicker is What you eat. What kind of quality are we talking about? Now, I've really thought a great deal about this...just ask my sisters. I've come to 2 conclusions: the Word of Wisdom is true AND the closer it is to nature the better it is for weightloss. Okay and a third one: everyone is their own soup! You can't try to be Chicken Noodle when God made you Tomato. I know that didn't make sense. have to eat what's right for your chemical type to see the results you want to see. You have to see what helps you lose and what sets you off to gain. Am I right?

This is tricky here because I can't say eat this and that and two of this and one of that and you'll look like Cindy Crawford. Why? Because she's cucumber soup of course! Okay, so the next step is that I've been working on is what kind of soup I am. I suggest you do the same. Oh but remember the Word of Wisdom is a true recipe, so pray about it personally to find out what soup you are, and eat more natural foods. The closer it is to the dirt, the better it is.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Exercise Menu 4/6- 4/11

Monday: 3 mile run
Tuesday: Step (high intensity)
Wednesday: No run
Thursday: 2 mile hill and body combat (low intensity) optional
Friday: Rest day but body pump (low intensity) optional
Saturday: RACE!!!!

Road block last week

I've been feeling guilty about not posting on Sunday, but family first. Last week kinda got a quirk thrown in there. I found out Tom had his white coat ceremony on the up-coming Friday, so I had to re-vamp Thurs-Sat. Thurs. I did a six mile run, Friday nothing obviously, and Saturday was still scheduled for the 8 mile killer, but as it turned out I took my kids to an Easter Egg hunt instead. Do I regret this? Only for the sake that I'm trying to be trained by myself and you all are viewing my progress. But here's the real reason I didn't run the 8 miles: I just flat out am sick of distance. There's no happy anticipation, instead I feel like I'm running to my doom. How's that suppose to be inspiring? Does anyone ever feel like that?
So, that's the real reason I didn't run, I was completely battling myself to do something I was dreading doing and in the end I (the potato couch girl) won. And of course I've felt guilty ever since. Thus, I turn it over to my personal trainer for some heroic words of inspiration....

Okay, so all day Sunday and Monday I thought about this perdicament I sometimes get into. FYI the best time to think about these things is doing dishes, it must be the soap suds. This is what I came up with more or less: If you don't like it don't do it. But then don't put it on your menu, you are only frustrating yourself. Do something you like, even if it's low-key. Remember, you are not trying to burn mega calories(yet stay hit somewhere in this range: 200-500 cals a day), you are getting into life-long habits. Besides, the way to truly drop weight fast is to monitor your intake (more on that next week..I know I've been super frustrated with that too, but I think I found a key factor). For right now focus on having fun while you elevate your physical activity. What will stick is what you enjoy.

However, if you are training for something i.e. a marathon, walk- a -thon or big event that you've always wanted to do, and you feel a little intimidated- find someone to support you through those hard workouts. Ask them to physically be a part of those hard days whether it's verbal commitment and support in the morning before they leave for work, exercising with you, or waiting to cheer you during or at the finish. You'll find it keeps you motivated and energized at least enough to get through. When I ran my one and only marathon I was dreading the 23 mile pre-run. My sister woke up with me at 3:30 am, dropped me off at the starting point, got her children off to school and biked with me the last hour of my run. My dad came the last three miles and blasted Enya the whole way. It was the very hardest run of my life, worse than the marathon, but the best and most inspiring thing. Infact, at the very last mile of my marathon day my sister even ran with me to the end. I cried the whole way to the finish because it meant so much to me. My sister was the fire that kept me running, I would have stopped and given up on training to run 26.2 miles, but I pulled through because of my support. I've never regreted that run.
Also, remember that this training period will not last forever and the satisfaction of achieving a goal will.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Post it Note- Exercise

Frequently you'll see a "post-it" note. That just means I'm making a mental note in my head for whatever reason. I need to plan my exercise menu before I go to bed tonight.

This one is to get ready for the week. I've learned that if you don't plan out your exercise schedule it just won't get done. You know, it's like making a menu plan only for exercise. As a trainer I am MOST adamant that anyone seeking weightloss get into the habit of exercising regulary (whatever is regular for you, just make it consistent. Shoot, you could just exercise on Mondays and call it regular). The thing about habits is this: you'll become what your habits are. My mom had a quote on our wall while I was growing up and it has stuck with me: "All you will ever be you are now becoming"-Spencer W. Kimball. So as a trainer, What do you want to be? Do it right now. Don't wait, don't make excuses. To get into the habit of exercising consistently the only and best way to do this is plan ahead. Make an exercise menu for the week. There's your goal for today; clear out some time tonight to make a REALISTIC plan for the rest of your week. Tomorrow your goal is to get 'er done.

Okay, before I make my plan I just need to say that I think I'm way too hard-nosed of a trainer and this is going to suck to actually listen to myself. With that said, here goes..... Oh wait, PLEASE, PLEASE don't compare myself to you. Each of us is different, my ship sails in the very active category. I love to train for races, be competitive with myself. I love to workout, and if I don't I just don't deal with life as well as I want to. I don't know, it's what I need and who I am. But I know very healthy and trim people who exercise very little, so don't base losing weight on how many calories you burn exercising, think of the whole weightloss wheel working together. Focus on what you need and can handle accomplishing in your zany-crazy busy life right now.

Monday: 8:40 am Quick 30 min run I have to be home in time for play group
Tues: 9am 5 mile run and step class
Wed: No workout
Thurs: 9am that one class that I love at the YMCA and I have to do some hill work so 2 mile interval hills....ehck. I'll be glad when I don't have to train for that run, I hate hills
Friday: 9am Body pump and 4 mile flat
Sat: Long run with Tommy prolly 8 miles. Tom is dying to do our really long run before the race. He wants to do all ten, but I don't even care I'm stopping at 8. I've decided I'm not really into distant running right now(isn't that a great thing to decide two weeks before a race). Is that wrong? heh, I feel guilty for some reason. ps, just to let ya know, I'm not a crazy exerciser. I'm training for a race right now, but I don't want to give up my fun exercise classes. It really is social and relieves my stress load. Therefore, I choose to train and do low impact when I go to classes, that way I don't overload my poor body. AND yes, I compensate my caloric intake. It takes money to burn money. Okay, now I'm getting into a whole different shpill.


So, I've had so many things swirling around in my head. I'm not an organized thinker, one thing leads me to another and then it's like.....

But I want to do something different on this blog, something useful, something that maybe others can use and benefit from. I've got a ton of ideas on what to do with my blog just floating around not knowing where to go or how to get organized. So this is it: I'm going to start personal training myself and I'll blog everything first as a trainer and everthing second as a real person who still has life to deal with. Everything looks so easy in black and white, but then you try to do it and it becomes more of a maze to get through rather than inspiration to live by. Do you ever feel like that? So my trainer notes will be in RED and my regular me will be in BLUE and whatever I "do" or "plan" will be in GREEN

Also, I just want to say thanks for all your encouragement. Just because I have a health background doesn't mean it's easy to do. Every encouragement reminds me that I want to be healthy and not a cookie monster....which, to me, is very easy to do.