Friday, March 21, 2008

Emotional Eating

I'd like to take a poll:

Are you an emotional eater? Yes or no.
I find that I am when I'm either overwhelmed with decisions or things to get done and also when my baby cries unconsolably.

What makes you eat? Why do you choose eating? How do you feel? What outlets have you found to replace eating?

I think emotional eating is one of the big factors that make woman feel hopeless about weightloss. No matter what you do, it's seems a re-occuring battle.

To answer these questions myself:
1.Yes, although I'm not as bad as I used to be
2. answered above
3. I'm not sure, but it's always there whereas a treadmill isn't and I can't just take off and run
4. I think I go numb because it never tastes as good and I go through it faster than if I'm eating just for fun
5. I love going to the Y and pounding out my frustrations, and cleaning my house is a quick fix although sometimes it seems useless with a two year old, turning on music. try it's great.

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