Sunday, September 21, 2008

What I'm Doing

Okay world, I have a few minutes since Paul is asleep and Lydia and Tom are gone.
So here's what I've been doing diet wise:

I'm not a morning eater, it just doesn't kick in until somewhere between 8 and 9. I used to be like, "That's so BAD!!" but from all the research I've really delved into, it's not bad to not eat a hearty breakfast. It does depend on what you are doing, how active you are in the morning, when the next time you will have the opportunity to eat. I mean when they say "eat your Wheaties" are you going to be gone from the kitchen for the next four hours? Then yeah, eat your Wheaties. For me, that's just not the case. My kitchen is about five feet from the rest of my morning activities, my Wheaties can wait till I feel like eating.

Truly you need to know your body enough to gauge when you are hungry and when you are cravey. Since I've been practicing this for about five years I know exactly when I'm hungry and exactly when I'm cravey...eating when I'm hungry and not when I'm cravey is a totally different story. Okay, so that brings me to a little detour. I hate when people blame their weight on something ridiculous(I'm not discounting medical reasons)rather than their lack of self will: "Brith Control", "Big Boned", etc. (for the record I researched Birth Control. While it may increase your cravings, it does NOT add more calories to absorbed by your intestinal wall than what you consume or increase cortisol levels in the blood to be affected by weightloss).

I think it is much easier for me to hear some say, "I have no self will" than to hear an least I know they are being honest with themselves and that is the first step to truly losing weight. Oh, and I don't want anyone to feel like I'm being self righteous here: I DO struggle with eating too much. Food tastes good, I love to eat. I mean, I wouldn't be trying to loose the weight if I didn't right? But, it is all about being honest and honestly trying. Trying to make Healthy Weight fit into Lifestyle, Family, and Fun.

Wow, what a soap box. But I feel better. I've wanted to say that for a really LONG time, sorry to go off on a tangent like that.

8 or 9 I have fruit because I still don't have much of an appetite, but I don't want to feel ravenously hungry in an hour.
10-11ish I eat a bowl of cereal. Cheerios plain is the best cereal on the planet, I eat them almost every day
1pmish I eat a moderate lunch, salad with oil and vinegar and feta cheese because I'm in love with feta, sometimes a sandwhich, sometimes pasta, maybe a squash, maybe just pita and humus, maybe tortilla and black beans. Then usually a cut up tomato or almonds to take care of that little snitch, sometimes a bite of brownie hits the spot if I have left overs.
4pm apple and yogurt. Cheese and pear, or two of my faaavorite delux wheat crackers...they really go the distance. or a tortilla with applesauce and grated cheese with a sprinkle of cinnamon. or maybe two peaches plain cute up and share them with the kids
6-7 dinner. Stir Fry veggies and brown rice, Pasta w/chicken or sausage and a creative tomato sauce, or white if I really want to celebrate, sweet potato bar.. you should try it, soup and sandwhiches, Casseroles if I'm feeling really hungry or Tom is, Grilled fish if I'm daring, Meat loaf to celebrate life, homemade supremo pizza, you name it really. I pair the main dish with a veggie and a salad. Then 2 out of 7 days we'll have a dessert, and I never skimp with low cal junk. Why make it?
Then I go to bed 10-11. That gives my body time to digest and burn a little before I shut the metab. down a few notches. If I eat light or go to bed later then I feel way hungry so then I'll eat like a mini bowl of cheeries. I love Cheerios.

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