Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who's Carol?

I don't know her, my friend, Lori who lives in Washington, knows her. I came across their blog from Lori's. So here's some details to make it easy to understand what a big deal it is to me.

Carol was pregnant with her second child. She started going into labor early. They utlimately had to take the baby by c-section. After that her blood pressure dropped so severely they had to give her medication, then her temp went through the roof. They diagnosed her with a Streptococcal Pnuemoniae infection, the worst as it is a septic one. She's had many burns and more. I copied a portion of the blog so you can read yourself without looking really long and hard like I did. Just as an update she is back from the hospital now, but still very difficult for her still.

Carol is at Swedish Hospital in Seattle in their Pediatri Intensive Care unit. She is unconscious due to a combination of pain med and another drug. This way, she isn't feeling pain nor wanting to tear out her ventilator or feed tube. She was admitted there on Tuesday the 9th in the afternoon. The doctor's did an emergency C-section around 4:45 pm or so because Carol and the and nurses that work with her are always welcome.
Since all this Carol has had both her leg's below the knees amputated, her left arm below the elbow amputated, her right ring finger amputated; and is now blind. All of that is due to ischemia from vasopressive drugs used to keep her blood pressure high enought to survive.

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