Okay, I've hit a plateau and my motivation has started to simmer.This is not a good situation to be in; the biggest reason being I need to break through this plateau to finish off these last couple of pounds and I'm just sorta feeling lazy, or discouraged, or placid about the whole thing. It doesn't help that it's Sunday night and weekends are very hard for me to stay right on track. AND, I just want a brownie, or M&M, or whatever ya got(life is so rough sometimes). So there ya go. Does anyone else suffer through the weekend? WHat DO YOU DO?!!!
ANy SugGEStions? I'll keep working, but there's gotta be a couple of things I can try to boost the motivation. Anyone?Anyone?
I don't know if this will help, but set an exercise goal that will help you accomplish your goal without making you focus on it, if that makes sense. Like... instead of saying I'm going to exercise so I can loose so many more pounds, set an exercise goal of doing x-amount of abs, x-amount of miles, x-amount of such and such. If you need a bigger goal like a half-marathon or someone else to help push you, so be it! :) Set weekly goals and grab a buddy... and go for it! You'll make it!!
I think what helps for me is, not stressing about the plateau. I (as you know) plateaued for 2 months at my 10% loss weight, and I was having a really hard time staying on track with eating right, etc. I finally decided to just give myself a break, watch what I eat but satisfy my cravings a little more, and just focus on weight maintenence. Then, when I had gotten the "blahs" out of my system, I was able to re-focus and kick it up a notch again.
I also like Martha's advice... another thing I like to do is to take my measurements (waist, hips, etc.) every two weeks. Sometimes you lose inches by the scale doesn't move. It helps to see that your hard work is still paying off.
Finally, as far as exercise... we do demandfitness.com. Its awesome. They have over 250 classes and lots of different instructors, so I don't get too bored with my workouts. If I start to get tired of aerobics, for example, I switch to ballet. Its like having a gym/dance/aerobics teacher in your house.
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