It has been a long time. But, I've done that on purpose. Since Christmas I've debated back and forth on if I wanted to continue tracking my weightloss. I don't know, I just feel selfish, like I'm bragging about myself, and I really don't want to come across like that. Infact, the reason I started was because I really like health and wanted to share my experience. I've loved tracting my progress, but it's justtime to be done I think.
Just so you know where I've been: Since Thanksgiving I've continued losing weight, took a break for Christmas (it's just wrong to not eat goodies on Holidays), came back tried to break out of my rut, started doing aerobics. I thought I'd like to teach and I made an okay routine, but it just didn't pan out...having kids climb all over you and hanging to your legs and a husband in school makes big hobbies like that really hard to do, so I joined the YMCA to get at least get a work out in. I have really liked the classes there (and my kids get to play with someone else than me!). Currently, I'm working off those stubborn last pounds, but in general I'm okay with know the "I wish I were better, but I'm not gonna go without chocolate kind of deal". I am however going through a mostly natural kick. I've been on it for a while now and I like it, except every so often you just need cheetos or brownies.
I'll keep incorporating the all naturale life style, but really like where my life is right now. I'd say a true 80/20 split. Oh, and just for the record Tom and I are running the Mt. Penn Mudfest this year. It's the nation's third largest back trail running, look it up, it's gonna be great and I'm so scared too! This is the start of the race last year, I really hope it won't be snowing.
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I had no idea you had this blog! Dang, girl! You ARE teenie!!! You look so great, T. Seriously. Remember when you got in trouble for not following my "don't eat after 8pm diet"? Haha - that was funny & those days were awesome. I love you & miss you & wish I were there with you in Philly! ~Becky
Hey tara this is kara ludwig. Im glad i found this blog and that you are doing this blog. I think its a great idea and im glad i can look at it for advice and to help me out. You look amazing. If you would like to check out my blog just send me your email address to
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