Sunday, March 29, 2009

Post it Note- Exercise

Frequently you'll see a "post-it" note. That just means I'm making a mental note in my head for whatever reason. I need to plan my exercise menu before I go to bed tonight.

This one is to get ready for the week. I've learned that if you don't plan out your exercise schedule it just won't get done. You know, it's like making a menu plan only for exercise. As a trainer I am MOST adamant that anyone seeking weightloss get into the habit of exercising regulary (whatever is regular for you, just make it consistent. Shoot, you could just exercise on Mondays and call it regular). The thing about habits is this: you'll become what your habits are. My mom had a quote on our wall while I was growing up and it has stuck with me: "All you will ever be you are now becoming"-Spencer W. Kimball. So as a trainer, What do you want to be? Do it right now. Don't wait, don't make excuses. To get into the habit of exercising consistently the only and best way to do this is plan ahead. Make an exercise menu for the week. There's your goal for today; clear out some time tonight to make a REALISTIC plan for the rest of your week. Tomorrow your goal is to get 'er done.

Okay, before I make my plan I just need to say that I think I'm way too hard-nosed of a trainer and this is going to suck to actually listen to myself. With that said, here goes..... Oh wait, PLEASE, PLEASE don't compare myself to you. Each of us is different, my ship sails in the very active category. I love to train for races, be competitive with myself. I love to workout, and if I don't I just don't deal with life as well as I want to. I don't know, it's what I need and who I am. But I know very healthy and trim people who exercise very little, so don't base losing weight on how many calories you burn exercising, think of the whole weightloss wheel working together. Focus on what you need and can handle accomplishing in your zany-crazy busy life right now.

Monday: 8:40 am Quick 30 min run I have to be home in time for play group
Tues: 9am 5 mile run and step class
Wed: No workout
Thurs: 9am that one class that I love at the YMCA and I have to do some hill work so 2 mile interval hills....ehck. I'll be glad when I don't have to train for that run, I hate hills
Friday: 9am Body pump and 4 mile flat
Sat: Long run with Tommy prolly 8 miles. Tom is dying to do our really long run before the race. He wants to do all ten, but I don't even care I'm stopping at 8. I've decided I'm not really into distant running right now(isn't that a great thing to decide two weeks before a race). Is that wrong? heh, I feel guilty for some reason. ps, just to let ya know, I'm not a crazy exerciser. I'm training for a race right now, but I don't want to give up my fun exercise classes. It really is social and relieves my stress load. Therefore, I choose to train and do low impact when I go to classes, that way I don't overload my poor body. AND yes, I compensate my caloric intake. It takes money to burn money. Okay, now I'm getting into a whole different shpill.

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