Sunday, March 29, 2009


So, I've had so many things swirling around in my head. I'm not an organized thinker, one thing leads me to another and then it's like.....

But I want to do something different on this blog, something useful, something that maybe others can use and benefit from. I've got a ton of ideas on what to do with my blog just floating around not knowing where to go or how to get organized. So this is it: I'm going to start personal training myself and I'll blog everything first as a trainer and everthing second as a real person who still has life to deal with. Everything looks so easy in black and white, but then you try to do it and it becomes more of a maze to get through rather than inspiration to live by. Do you ever feel like that? So my trainer notes will be in RED and my regular me will be in BLUE and whatever I "do" or "plan" will be in GREEN

Also, I just want to say thanks for all your encouragement. Just because I have a health background doesn't mean it's easy to do. Every encouragement reminds me that I want to be healthy and not a cookie monster....which, to me, is very easy to do.

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