Sunday, October 26, 2008

Whisahickon Creek

Here we are at Whisahickon Creek..geez, I hope I spelled that right-it's getting late. It is beautiful this time of year and I highly suggest it to everyone around the area. If you like the historic feel, go round to the resturant that used to be an old hotel. I think it's a couple hundred years old.

Anyway, I hoped to jog, but it didn't work out so we just walked instead. Now that my knee is recovered I'm gonna try jogging again. I admit, I haven't hit the pavement or roused my heart rate for two and some weeks now. Yeah, I know, I'll pay for it...eeek!! But what can you do?! Yes, I've got the butterflies, tomorrow's gonna be a hard run. Oh well, let's just get it over with and start enjoying fall runs. Yawhoo for fall runs! this may be my only motivation:)

Yeah, no real progress on the old pounds. I've never lost this much weight before (kinda puttered out when I got this far) but I hear the last ten pounds is slow and gruesome. Wish me luck. I need it. Okay, forget the luck, just pray for me. Haha.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Of course I pray for you! You're a true inspiration!!