Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Late Night Treats

I think I'd be at my goal weight by now if it weren't for those after dinner treats. I just have to have a sweet. I've tried brushing my teeth, chewing gum or having fruit for dessert, but it's just not cutting the mustard. Does anyone have some ideas on this particular subject?

However, I have a great strawberry pie recipe that isn't too bad, if you lay off the whip cream.
I'll have to post it later, cuz I have other things to get to tonight.

Five more pounds people, five more....I think. I hope.

1 comment:

Hubers said...

So just a question for you- in the last 5 months of me exercising at least an hour- sometimes 2- for 6 out of the 7 days of the week I have lost only 4 lbs, and that's because I got the flu last week and couldn't eat anything. What more can I do? I am eating less sweets, and I try to eat healthy foods. I don't know what more I can do, and I am getting quite depressed about it... Thanks for the help